‘The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last.’ American author Moira Rodgers could have been discussing renouncing US citizenship...
7 Ways to Prepare for Higher Taxes in Your Home Country
If you think high taxes are inevitable, or you're so worn down by the increasing financial demands of living in the so-called advanced, democratic West, you’re not alone. ...
A US Expat’s Guide to Foreign Tax Credit
The threat of double taxation – being taxed twice on income earned outside the US – isn’t a new thing. It dates back to 1918 when Congress recognised the problem and introduced...
Why Establish an Offshore Company in Hong Kong?
With its unique position to offer connectivity between mainland China and the rest of the world, Hong Kong could well be described as a natural choice for companies to establish...
A Guide to Unearned Income and How It’s Taxed
Passive income is great, right? A 'fire and forget' financial missile that, once set up, will supply you with an endless supply of money without requiring you to do anything:...
Offshore Tax Strategy: Go Where You’re Treated Best
On the subject of giving advice, perhaps the American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou put it best: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then, when you know...
Why Open an Offshore Company in the Bahamas?
Like many island nations in the West Atlantic Ocean, the Bahamas is known for its pristine white sand beaches, turquoise waters, and barrier reefs. Nothing new there. What is...
Why Incorporate a British Virgin Islands (BVI) Company?
The Virgin Islands, commonly referred to as the British Virgin Islands (BVI), is a British Overseas Territory consisting of four larger islands to the east of Puerto Rico in the...
Why The IRS is Coming for Puerto Rico Act 60
Having acquired the islands of Puerto Rico after the Spanish-American War in 1898, the archipelago remains a territory of the United States to this day. Puerto Rico allows US...
Five Low-Tax Countries for Expats in 2024
What exactly is an expat? It's not as straightforward as you might think. Ask a handful of expats to define the term and you'll get a handful of different answers. When it comes...