Pay 0% Tax in The Bahamas

Pay 0% Tax in The Bahamas

0% Tax Regime

0% Tax Regime

The Bahamas imposes ZERO: – Personal Income Tax – Corporate Income Tax – Capital gains tax – Sales tax – Withholding tax – Gift tax – Inheritance tax

Residency Requirement

Residency Requirement

You must spend more than six months in the Bahamas to benefit from their 0 tax regime.

Minimum Investment

Minimum Investment

To get a residence in the Bahamas, you must invest somewhere between $1 million to $1.5 million in the country.

Should You Consider the Bahamas?

Should You Consider the Bahamas?

If you don't mind living in the Bahamas for 6 months and investing a million dollars or more in the country, the Bahamas might be a good option for you.